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Continuous integration

Project k8s-cluster-api-provider uses SCS Zuul CI platform to drive its continuous integration tests. The project is registered under the SCS tenant and therefore is able to use a set of pre-defined pipelines, jobs, and ansible roles that SCS Zuul instance defines and imports. If you want to explore currently available SCS pipelines, visit the SCS zuul-config project. If you want to see the full list of jobs that are available, visit the SCS Zuul UI. And if you are looking for some handy ansible role that SCS Zuul imports, visit they source.

Refer to SCS Zuul users guide and/or Zuul docs for further details on how to define and use Zuul CI/CD pipelines and jobs.

Note (for geeks): If you are interested in Zuul CI platform and want to deploy your own development instance of it, then read the official quick-start manual or visit this tutorial which aims a connection of Zuul CI platform with a GitHub organization.


SCS Zuul automatically recognizes .zuul.yaml configuration file that is located in the k8s-cluster-api-provider's root. This file informs Zuul about the project's default-branch and preferred merge-mode. It also references SCS Zuul pipelines and their jobs used by the k8s-cluster-api-provider project. Then, jobs link Ansible playbooks that contain tasks for actual CI testing.

See relevant CI configuration files:

├── .zuul.yaml
├── playbooks
│ ├── cleanup.yaml
│ ├── dependencies.yaml
│ ├── e2e.yaml
│ ├── templates
│ │ └── environment.tfvars.j2


This section describes an SCS Zuul pipelines that are used by the k8s-cluster-api-provider project.

  • e2e-test

    • It is triggered by the e2e-test label in the opened PR
    • It executes k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job
    • It applies the PR label successful-e2e-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job succeeded
    • It applies the PR label failed-e2e-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job failed
    • It applies the PR label cancelled-e2e-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job is canceled
  • unlabel-on-update-e2e-test

    • It is triggered by the PR update only when PR contains the successful-e2e-test label
    • It ensures that any PR update invalidates a previous successful e2e test
    • It removes successful-e2e-test label from the PR
  • e2e-quick-test

    • It is triggered by the e2e-quick-test label in the opened PR
    • It executes k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick job
    • It applies the PR label successful-e2e-quick-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick job succeeded
    • It applies the PR label failed-e2e-quick-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick job failed
    • It applies the PR label cancelled-e2e-quick-test and leaves an informative PR comment when the k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick job is canceled
  • unlabel-on-update-e2e-quick-test

    • It is triggered by the PR update only when PR contains the successful-e2e-quick-test label
    • It ensures that any PR update invalidates a previous successful e2e test
    • It removes successful-e2e-quick-test label from the PR
  • periodic-daily

    • This pipeline runs jobs daily at 3AM
    • It executes k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job
    • The job overrides the git_reference variable to ensure that the e2e conformance testing is executed on a specific tag


This section describes Zuul jobs defined within the k8s-cluster-api-provider project and linked in the above pipelines.

  • k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance

    • It runs a sonobuoy conformance test against Kubernetes cluster spawned by k8s-cluster-api-provider scripts
    • This job is a child job of openstack-access-base that ensures OpenStack credentials availability in Zuul worker node. Parent job also defines a Zuul semaphore semaphore-openstack-access, that ensures that a maximum of three openstack-access-base jobs (or their children) can run at a time
    • See a high level k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-conformance job steps:
      • Pre-run playbook dependencies.yaml installs project prerequisites, e.g. opentofu, yq, etc.
      • Main playbook e2e.yaml spawns a k8s cluster, runs sonobuoy conformance test, and cleans created infrastructure, all by k8s-cluster-api-provider scripts
      • Cleanup-run playbook cleanup.yaml runs ospurge, cleanup created application credentials and keypair to ensure that multiple e2e runs do not interfere
  • k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick

    • It runs a sonobuoy quick test against Kubernetes cluster spawned by k8s-cluster-api-provider scripts
    • This job is a child job of openstack-access-base that ensures OpenStack credentials availability in Zuul worker node. Parent job also defines a Zuul semaphore semaphore-openstack-access, that ensures that a maximum of three openstack-access-base jobs (or their children) can run at a time
    • See a high level k8s-cluster-api-provider-e2e-quick job steps:
      • Pre-run playbook dependencies.yaml installs project prerequisites, e.g. opentofu, yq, etc.
      • Main playbook e2e.yaml spawns a k8s cluster, runs sonobuoy quick test, and cleans created infrastructure, all by k8s-cluster-api-provider scripts
      • Cleanup-run playbook cleanup.yaml runs ospurge, cleanup created application credentials and keypair to ensure that multiple e2e runs do not interfere


The parent job openstack-access-base, from which e2e jobs inherit, defines secret variable openstack-application-credential. This secret is stored directly in the SCS/zuul-config repository in an encrypted form. It contains OpenStack application credentials to access the OpenStack project dedicated for CI testing.

This secret is encrypted by the SCS/zuul-config repository RSA key that has been generated by SCS Zuul instance. So only SCS Zuul instance is able to decrypt it (read the docs).

If you want to re-generate the mentioned secret or add another one using SCS/zuul-config repository RSA key, follow the below instructions:

  • Install zuul-client
pip install zuul-client
  • Encrypt "super-secret" string by the SCS/zuul-config repository public key from SCS Zuul
echo -n "super-secret" | \
zuul-client --zuul-url encrypt \
--tenant SCS \

Job customization

In some cases you may want to change your environment.tfvars file before running the e2e test without changing the environment.tfvars file in the repository. For example, you may want to change the image variable to test a different system image without altering the default image used by the project.

To do so, you can in the body of the PR add the following text:

image = "Ubuntu 20.04"

### FAQ

#### How do developers/reviewers should proceed if they want to CI test this project?

A developer initiates a PR as usual. If a reviewer deems that the PR requires e2e testing,
they can apply a specific label to the PR.
Currently, the following labels could be applied:

- `e2e-test` (for comprehensive e2e testing, including k8s cluster creation, execution of sonobuoy conformance tests, and cluster deletion)
- `e2e-quick-test` (for expedited e2e testing, involving k8s cluster creation, quick sonobuoy tests, and cluster deletion)

After the e2e test has completed, the reviewer can examine the test results and respond
accordingly, such as approving the PR if everything appears to be in order or requesting changes.
Sonobuoy test results, along with a link to the e2e logs, are conveyed back to the PR via a comment.
Additionally, the PR is labeled appropriately based on the overall e2e test result, using labels like
`successful-e2e-test`, `successful-e2e-quick-test`, `failed-e2e-test`, or `failed-e2e-quick-test`.

#### Why do we use PR `label` as an e2e pipeline trigger instead of e.g. PR `comment`?

We consider PR labels to be a more secure pipeline trigger compared to, for example, PR comments.
PR labels can only be applied by developers with [triage]( repository access or higher.
In contrast, PR comments can be added by anyone with a GitHub account.

Members of the SCS GitHub organization are automatically granted 'write' access to SCS repositories.
Consequently, the PR label mechanism ensures that only SCS organization members can trigger e2e pipelines.

#### How do we ensure that any PR update invalidates a previous successful e2e test?

In fact, two mechanisms ensure the invalidation of a previously successful test when a PR is updated.

Firstly, the pipelines `unlabel-on-update-<e2e-test-name>` remove the `successful-<e2e-test-name>` label
from the PR when it's updated after a successful e2e test has finished.
If an e2e test is in progress and the PR is updated, the currently running e2e test is
canceled, the `successful-<e2e-test-name>` label is removed (if it exists), and the
`cancelled-<e2e-test-name>` label is applied along with an informative PR comment to
inform the reviewer about the situation.