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Supported k8s versions

As of R6, our tests cover 1.25.latest ... 1.28.latest. All of them pass the sonobuoy CNCF conformance tests.

Overview over the parameters in clusterctl.yaml and environment-XXX.tfvars

The provenance capo means that this setting comes from the templates used by the cluster-api-provider-openstack, while SCS denotes that this setting has been added by the SCS project.

Parameters CAPI management server

Parameters controlling the Cluster-API management server (capi management server) creation:

prefixSCScapiPrefix used for OpenStack resources for the capi mgmt node
kind_flavorSCSSCS-2V-4Flavor to be used for the k8s capi mgmt server
imageSCSUbuntu 22.04Image for the capi mgmt server. Use Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian 12. Check also the ssh_username parameter
ssh_usernameSCSubuntuName of the default user for the image
clusterapi_versionSCS1.6.3 Version of the cluster-API incl. clusterctl
capi_openstack_versionSCS0.9.0 Version of the cluster-api-provider-openstack (needs to fit the CAPI version)
cilium_binariesSCSv0.15.23;v0.13.0Versions of the cilium and hubble CLI in the vA.B.C;vX.Y.Z format
restrict_mgmt_serverSCS[""]Allows restricting access to the management server by the given list of CIDRs. Empty value (default) means public.
mgmt_cidrSCS10.0.0.0/24IPv4 address range (CIDR notation) for management cluster
mgmt_ip_rangeSCS{start:"", end:""}IP range from defined mgmt_cidr variable for management cluster. It is recommended to reserve the first 10 IPs.

Common parameters management server and clusters

Parameters controlling both management server creation and cluster creation:

cloud_providerOPENSTACK_CLOUDcapoOS_CLOUD name in clouds.yaml
external/external_idOPENSTACK_EXTERNAL_NETWORK_IDcapo""Name/ID of the external (public) OpenStack network, default "" uses the detected external network (for clouds with one external network). Required for clouds with more than one external network
dns_nameserversOPENSTACK_DNS_NAMESERVERScapo[ "", "" ]Array of nameservers for capi mgmt server and for cluster nodes, replace the FF MUC defaults with local servers if available
availability_zoneOPENSTACK_FAILURE_DOMAINcapoAvailability Zone(s) for the mgmt node / workload clusters
kind_mtuMTU_VALUESCS0MTU for the mgmt server; Calico is set 50 bytes smaller; 0 means autodetection
http_proxySCSGlobal setting for HTTP Proxy is set on the management host including all cluster-api components running in the bootstrap-cluster. Specify with protocol: e.g
no_proxySCSGlobal setting for HTTP Proxy exception list. If http_proxy is not set this setting has no effect. If http_proxy is set, the default value for the NO_PROXY environment variable on all affected components is set to .svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local,,,fd00:ec2::254/128,${var.node_cidr},${var.pod_cidr},${var.service_cidr}. The content of no_proxy is appended to this list. This setting has no effect on apt and snap commands, the way http_proxy is set for apt and snap does not allow the configuration of proxy exceptions.

Parameters clusters

Parameters controlling the cluster creation:

node_cidrNODE_CIDRSCS10.8.0.0/20IPv4 address range (CIDR notation) for workload nodes
pod_cidrPOD_CIDRSCS192.168.0.0/16IPv4 address range (CIDR notation) for pods
service_cidrSERVICE_CIDRSCS10.96.0.0/12IPv4 address range (CIDR notation) for services
use_ciliumUSE_CILIUMSCStrueUse cilium as CNI instead of calico, it can be set to vX.Y.Z and true results in v1.15.1, also see cilium_binaries
calico_versionCALICO_VERSIONSCSv3.27.3 Version of the Calico CNI provider (ignored if use_cilium is set)
kubernetes_versionKUBERNETES_VERSIONcapov1.28.xKubernetes version deployed into workload cluster (.x means latest patch release)
``OPENSTACK_IMAGE_NAMEcapoubuntu-capi-image-${KUBERNETES_VERION}Image name for k8s controller and worker nodes. Ubuntu 22.04 image is used for k8s versions >= 1.27.3, 1.26.6, 1.25.11, Ubuntu 20.04 otherwise.
kube_image_rawOPENSTACK_IMAGE_RAWSCStrueRegister images in raw format (instead of qcow2), good for ceph COW
image_registration_extra_flagsOPENSTACK_IMAGE_REGISTATION_EXTRA_FLAGSSCS""Extra flags passed during image registration
``OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_NAMEcapo${prefix}-keypairSSH key name generated and used to connect to workload cluster nodes
controller_flavorOPENSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_FLAVORcapoSCS-2V-4-20sFlavor to be used for control plane nodes
worker_flavorOPENSTACK_NODE_MACHINE_FLAVORcapoSCS-2V-4-20sFlavor to be used for worker nodes
controller_countCONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNTcapo1Number of control plane nodes in testcluster (0 skips testcluster creation)
``CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_GENSCSgenc01Suffix for control plane node resources, to be changed for rolling upgrades
worker_countWORKER_MACHINE_COUNTcapo3Number of worker nodes in testcluster
``WORKER_MACHINE_GENSCSgenw01Suffix for worker node resources, to be changed for rolling upgrades
``CONTROL_PLANE_ROOT_DISKSIZESCS20If diskless flavors are used for control plane nodes, this is the allocated root volume disk size (in GB)
``WORKER_ROOT_DISKSIZESCS20If diskless flavors are used for worker nodes, this is the allocated root volume disk size (in GB)
anti_affinityOPENSTACK_ANTI_AFFINITYSCStrueUse anti-affinity server groups to prevent k8s nodes on same host (soft for workers, hard for controllers)
soft_anti_affinity_controllerOPENSTACK_SOFT_ANTI_AFFINITY_CONTROLLERSCSfalseAllow the use of soft-anti-affinity for the controllers (if anti_affinity is true)
``OPENSTACK_SRVGRP_CONTROLLERSCSnononoAutogenerated if anti_affinity is true, eliminated otherwise
``OPENSTACK_SRVGRP_WORKERSCSnononoAutogenerated if anti_affinity is true, eliminated otherwise
deploy_occmDEPLOY_OCCMSCStrueDeploy the given version of OCCM into the cluster. true (default) chooses the latest version matching the k8s version. You can specify master to chose the upstream master branch. Don't disable this.
deploy_cindercsiDEPLOY_CINDERCSISCStrueDeploy the given (or latest matching for the default true value) of cinder CSI.
etcd_unsafe_fsETCD_UNSAFE_FSSCSfalseUse barrier=0 for filesystem on control nodes to avoid storage latency. Use for multi-controller clusters on slow/networked storage, otherwise not recommended.
testcluster_name(cmd line)SCStestclusterAllows setting the default cluster name, created at bootstrap (if controller_count is larger than 0)
restrict_kubeapiRESTRICT_KUBEAPISCS[ ]Allows restricting access to kubernetes API by list of CIDRs. Empty list (default) means public, [ "none" ] means internal access only.
controller_metadataOPENSTACK_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_METADATASCS{ }Adds additional metadata for instances running the k8s management nodes
worker_metadataOPENSTACK_NODE_MACHINE_METADATASCS{ }Adds additional metadata for instances running the k8s worker nodes
``OPENSTACK_CLUSTER_GENSCSgeno01Generation counter for the OpenStackClusterTemplate resource. Increase, when changing restrict_kubeapi or other OC settings
capo_instance_create_timeoutCLUSTER_API_OPENSTACK_INSTANCE_CREATE_TIMEOUTcapo5Time to wait for an OpenStack machine to be created (in minutes)
containerd_registry_filesSCS{"hosts":["./files/containerd/"], "certs":[]}Containerd registry hosts config files, see related docs for details.

Optional services deployed to cluster:

deploy_metricsDEPLOY_METRICSSCStrueapply_metrics.shDeploy metrics service to nodes to make kubectl top work
deploy_nginx_ingressDEPLOY_NGINX_INGRESSSCStrueapply_nginx_ingress.shDeploy NGINX ingress controller (this spawns an OpenStack Loadbalancer), pass version to explicitly choose the version, true results in v1.9.6 (supported k8s >= 1.25)
``NGINX_INGRESS_PROXYSCStrue(dito)Configure LB and nginx to get real IP via PROXY protocol; trouble for pod to LB connections has been resolved by setting hostname
use_ovn_lb_providerUSE_OVN_LB_PROVIDERSCSfalseapply_nginx_ingress.shClouds using OVN networking can deploy the OVN provider that has low overhead (L3) and makes real client IPs visible without proxy protocol hacks. Set to auto to enable.
deploy_gateway_apiDEPLOY_GATEWAY_APISCSfalsecreate_cluster.shDeploy Gateway APIs CRDs and enable ciliums Gateway API implementation. This only works in conjunction with USE_CILIUM=true. Also this will break at least one CNCF conformance test. This feature is considered a tech-review. Keep in mind that Gateway API itself is under development and not GA. Also note that ciliums implementation of Gateway API is considered "beta".
deploy_cert_managerDEPLOY_CERT_MANAGERSCSfalseapply_cert_manager.shDeploy cert-manager, pass version (e.g. v1.14.2) to explicitly choose a version
deploy_fluxDEPLOY_FLUXSCSfalsecreate_cluster.shDeploy flux2 into the cluster
deploy_harborSCSfalsedeploy_harbor.shDeploy harbor into the cluster. When enabled, it will overwrite the settings above. Harbor forces deployment of flux and based on config, it can force deployment of other dependencies (cert-manager, ingress-nginx and Cinder CSI)
harbor_configSCS{domain_name:"", issuer_email:"", persistence:false, database_size:"1Gi", redis_size:"1Gi", trivy_size:"5Gi"}(dito)Harbor container registry configuration options, see related docs for details.