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Status Page create decision


Creating and maintaining IT infrastructure is a complex task. Any kind of consumer (e.g. operators, customers) can be supported by presenting the status of all possible parts of the serving infrastructure. Whether a service is not reachable or the used hardware is having an outage we want the consumers to be easily informed by using a "Status Page" application. The need for a "Status Page" came up early in the SCS project and the requirements a "Status Page" application has to fulfill were defined and written down on 2022-06-02 as the MVP-0 epic. The upcoming research on existing solutions came to the conclusion that we want to create a new "Status Page" application.

Existing Applications

Since we want to use as much as possible from existing projects and contribute to upstream projects to support the community with our efforts, it was a hard decision to create a new "Status Page" application.

Before the decision was made some existing and known applications were tested and analyzed if they would fit to our use case. An overview of this comparison can be found below in this document While this is not a complete list of all existing applications it did capture the most promising ones from the awesome-status-page list in order to have base to decide upon.

Work on an existing project only makes sense if the project is healthy OR can be brought into a healthy state. If upstream does not accept patches a fork is needed. The fork however only makes sense if the underlying technology is worth to be maintained. The possible candidates did not fulfill these conditions - in the cases where contribution seemed possible the candidates looked abandoned and long existing CVEs weren't worked on.


Based on the results the decision was made, that the effort is likely to be the same if we pick up an existing project and try to get it in shape for our use case. It was not 100% clear if this would even be possible or if we still would have to maintain our own additional patches.

So there will be a reference implementation that will match the requirements we have. In addition, there will be an architecture design documentation. So if the reference implementation may not fit to you, it will be possible to create your own application.

Status Page Requirements

  • The status page application should be simplistic in software design and should not depend on a large variety of services

    • simplistic, yet existing user management for write access (oauth? OIDC?)
      • Simple RBAC (role based access control) is nice to have
    • support that components are only visible to a subset of users
      • implies that there is a role that is read-only
      • On-Prem use case might be handled by having an authenticating reverse proxy in front
  • The status page application should allow for simple and easy theming

    • Page = (Possibly simple) Web-UI
  • As a CSP, I want to have a status page that allows to

    • define locations and similar grouping (AZs, ...)
    • define components globally or per location _to ease maintenance I want to define per component where it belongs so that I only have to define a component once, but have it visible in several locations _ status per component should be allowed to be toggleable per location or overall * a component should allow for several statuses, that are defined by me
  • Status, Status Items should be easy to extract

    • REST(less)-API to interact with _API should be versioned _ this allows for embedding status information in other applications, such as cloud dashboards _this also allows for submitting items from other tooling _ incoming webhooks (https POST) should be supported (e.g. for air-gapped setups) – i.e. submitting a health beacon every x seconds _web-UI wanted for posting updates as well _ Token based Auth
  • Configuration should be manageable with YAML files (imho this annoys me using Uptime Kuma)

  • As a consumer of the status page, I'd like to subscribe to events on the status page via e-mail

    • for everything
    • for specific components
  • As a consumer of the status page, I'd like to subscribe to an RSS or atom feed

  • Allow for the ability to trigger webhooks upon certain events (to submit info to other systems via webhooks, e.g. chat/messenger)

  • As a CSP Operator, I want to be able to flag a component with a new status quick and easy

    • to minimize the probability of making errors, updating the status of a component should not be hard brainwork
    • updates can be both machine generated status changes (triggered e.g. by health monitoring) and updates from human operators
    • updating a status should allow the CSP Operator to do that in a fashion that either pushes infos to the subscribers or just updates the status on the status page
    • updating the status can either be toggling the status of the component or can be accompanied by additional textual information.
    • When updating a status with textual information the status page application should make it easy for me as the CSP Operator to do in a way, that if different people submit infos over time, they are presented in a similar way (e.g. the status page application should guide so that the resulting infos are presented in an identical way). Example: when updating infos of an incident over time the timeline should automatically be sorted by the status page application so that it does not depend on the Operator whether the newest info is on top or at the bottom. This is typical thing that varies if several people update items
  • Allow for templates for certain types of incidents

  • User-specific monitoring (how are MY instances, load-balancers, ... doing?) is OUT OF SCOPE for the status page.

    • But having it would be useful and if we have something like this, link it from the status page (and a link to horizon might be the default)
  • Sidenote: External hosting is desired to avoid status page going down with infra

With those requirements in mind the projects that initially were found, were evaluated.

Comparison matrix

CachetHQClearStatusciaocStateGatusIssue Statusstatusfy
small dependency tree❌ Composer❌ ruby gems⁇ helm chart❌ npm/github/zapier❌ npm dependencies very huge
easy themable
grouping (by location...)
components definition ...
... local or global
... easy flagging with new status
... push notification on update
... updates with additional information
API Support ...❌ read only✅ GitHub API
... versioned
... web ui for posting updates
... token based auth✅ Auth managed by git provider❌ only basic auth❌ BUT OIDC!
manageable configuration❌ config depends on web server and initial install relies on env variables❌ based on hugo CMS❌ config by env variables❌ based on hugo CMS❌ no real config needed
templating support✅ twig❌ Hugo itself uses GO template libraries
subscription support ...❌ only by git provider
... send by eMail
watchdog for status page support
trigger webhook support❌ needs cachet-monitor
additional infos-basically a theme for hugo cms, depends on netlify cms-basically a theme for hugo cms, depends on netlify cms-It's highly optimized for github pagesSPA created with netlify
hidden components
user management✅ by OIDC⁇ through github?
different output format on notification
external hosting❌ looks like you are limited to github
project healthy❌ last commit 17 months❌ last commit 3 years❌ last commit 5 months✅ last commit 2 months✅ recent activities✅ recent activities❌ archived and abandoned by the owner
documentation✅ API ❌ User Documentation⁇u❌ not reachable anymore
git based⁇ a netlify based installation is able to communicate with github
project pageproject pageproject pageproject pageproject pageproject pageproject pageproject page