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Mandatory and Supported IaaS Services


To be SCS-compliant a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) has to fulfill all SCS standards. Some of those standards are broad and consider all APIs of all services on the IaaS-Layer like the consideration of a role standard. There exist many services on that layer and for a first step they need to be limited to have a clear scope for the standards and the Cloud Service Providers following them. For this purpose, this standard will establish lists for mandatory services whose APIs have to be present in a SCS cloud as well as supported services, which APIs are considered by some standards and may even be tested for their integration but are optional in a sense that their omission will not violate SCS conformance.


There are many OpenStack APIs and their corresponding services that can be deployed on the IaaS level. These services have differences in the quality of their implementation and liveness and some of them may be easily omitted when creating an IaaS deployment. To fulfill all SCS-provided standards only a subset of these APIs are required. Some more but not all remaining OpenStack APIs are also supported additionally by the SCS project and may be part of its reference implementation. This results in different levels of support for specific services. This document will give readers insight about how the SCS classifies the OpenStack APIs accordingly. If a cloud provides all mandatory and any number of supported OpenStack APIs, it can be tested for SCS-compliance. Any unsupported APIs will not be tested.

Mandatory IaaS APIs

The following IaaS APIs MUST be present in SCS-compliant IaaS deployments and could be implemented with the corresponding OpenStack services:

Mandatory APIcorresponding OpenStack Servicedescription
block-storageCinderBlock Storage service
computeNovaCompute service
identityKeystoneIdentity service
imageGlanceImage service
load-balancerOctaviaLoad-balancer service
networkNeutronNetworking service
s3S3 API object storageObject Storage service

S3 API implementations may differ in certain offered features. CSPs must publicly describe the endpoints of their S3 solutions and which implementations they use in their deployment. Users should always research whether a needed feature is supported in the offered implementation.

The endpoints of services MUST be findable through the catalog list of the identity API1.

Supported IaaS APIs

The following IaaS APIs MAY be present in SCS-compliant IaaS deployment, e.g. implemented thorugh the corresponding OpenStack services, and are considered in the SCS standards.

Supported APIcorresponding OpenStack Servicedescription
bare-metalIronicBare Metal provisioning service
billingCloudKittyRating/Billing service
dnsDesignateDNS service
haMasakariInstances High Availability service
key-managerBarbicanKey Manager service
object-storeSwiftObject Store with different possible backends
orchestrationHeatOrchestration service
shared-file-systemsManilaShared File Systems service
time-series-databaseGnocchiTime Series Database service

Unsupported IaaS APIs

All other OpenStack services, whose APIs are not mentioned in the mandatory or supported lists will not be tested for their compatibility and conformance in SCS clouds by the SCS community. Those services MAY be integrated into IaaS deployments by a Cloud Service Provider on their own responsibility but SCS will not assume they are present and potential issues that occur during deployment or usage have to be handled by the CSP on their own accord. The SCS standard offers no guarantees for compatibility or reliability of services categorized as unsupported.

The OpenStack Services

Conformance Tests

The presence of the mandatory OpenStack APIs will be tested in this test-script The test will further check whether the object-store endpoint is compatible to s3.


  1. Integrate into the service catalog of Keystone