SCS Documentation structure
The Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) is a complex ecosystem, comprised of numerous Components and packages designed to accommodate a wide array of use cases. Given the unique functionalities of these components, the creation of a unified and comprehensible documentation presents a significant challenge. This procedural standard aims to define the structure and maintenance process for our documentation, thereby offering seamless and efficient access to users.
SCS promotes a collaborative environment by actively contributing to upstream projects. The involvement of individuals and companies within our community significantly enhances the SCS Bill of Materials (BOM), further amplifying its complexity. Consequently, our documentation must:
- Offer an overview and visual representation of the architectural model
- Foster coherence by maintaining a consistent theme throughout the documentation
- Facilitate a transparent and inclusive community environment
- Describe various deployment examples and use cases
- Reflect the SCS structure in the documentation's navigation
Distributed Documentation
In line with the OpenStack documentation approach, most SCS Components and components maintain independent documentation. To keep this documentation up-to-date and eliminate manual duplication, we utilize a custom workflow that synchronizes individual documents during the static documentation page's build process.
Methodology and Taxonomy
Addressing the complexity of SCS requires an effective documentation structure. Accordingly, we have adopted the Diataxis taxonomy, categorizing the documentation into four distinct sections: Tutorials, Guides, References, and Explanations.
Structure Template
The technical documentation and navigation should parallel the logical structure of the SCS Architecture. By doing so, users can better comprehend the information hierarchy and effectively visualize the SCS. The proposed structure is as follows:
├── Introduction
├── Getting Started
│ ├── Overview
│ ├── Virtualization
│ └── Containerization
├── IaaS Layer
│ ├── Overview
│ │ ├── Architecture