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IaaS Standards

The IaaS Layer Standards track focuses on the protocols, guidelines, and specifications that govern the infrastructure as a service layer. This encompasses standards for virtual machines, storage, networking, and other foundational resources, ensuring seamless, efficient, and secure operation, interoperability, and management of the underlying cloud infrastructure.

*Legend to the column headings and entries:

  • Document states: Draft, Effective, Deprecated (and no longer effective)
  • Entries in the effective column marked with an * are stable right now but turn to effective documents in the near future
  • Entries in the effective column marked with a † will turn deprecated in the near future
scs-0100SCS Flavor Naming Standard-v3v1, v2
Supplement: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0101SCS Entropy-v1-
Supplement: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0102SCS Image Metadata-v1-
Supplement: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0103SCS Standard Flavors and Properties-v1-
scs-0104SCS Standard Images-v1-
Supplement: Implementation Notesw1--
scs-0110SSD Flavors-v1-
scs-0111Decisions for the Volume Type Standardv1--
scs-0112SONiC Support in SCSv1--
scs-0113Security Groups Decision Recordv1--
scs-0114SCS Volume Types-v1-
scs-0115Default Rules for Security Groups-v1-
scs-0116SCS Key Manager Standard-v1-
Supplement: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0117Volume Backup Functionality-v1-
scs-0118SCS Taxonomy of Failsafe Levelsv1--
Supplement: Examples of Failure Cases and their impact on IaaS and KaaS resourcesw1--
scs-0119Replacement of the deprecated ceph-ansible toolv1--
scs-0120Cluster-API imagesv1--
scs-0121SCS Availability Zones-v1-
Supplement: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0122End-to-End Encryption between Customer Workloadsv1--
scs-0123Mandatory and Supported IaaS Services-v1-
scs-0124Standard for the security of IaaS service softwarev1--
Supplement: SCS Standard for the security of IaaS service software: Implementation and Testing Notesw1--
scs-0125Secure Connectionsv1--
scs-0127DNS Standardv1--