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Cleanup of amphorae missing from the DB

2023-10-25 16:43:52.547 22 WARNING [-]
The amphora 2a33a889-4f9a-4340-84a5-e58a7a8af17e with IP is missing from the
DB, so it cannot be automatically deleted (the compute_id is unknown). An operator must
manually delete it from the compute service.

SSH access to amphorae

  1. Get the local IP address (lb_network_ip) of the amphora you want to access via openstack --os-cloud admin loadbalancer amphora list.

  2. Connect to one of the nodes that you use for Octavia. Normally the control- or network nodes.

  3. You can now use SSH to access the amphora. The use of sudo is required here because you cannot access /etc/kolla/octavia-worker/octavia_ssh_key with the operator user account. Replace lb_network_ip with the local IP address of the amphora.

    sudo ssh -i /etc/kolla/octavia-worker/octavia_ssh_key ubuntu@lb_network_ip