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The SPA expects a configuration file called config.json to be present in the src/assets folder. The very same folder also contains a template for this configuration file, called config.tmpl.json. The resulting configuration, in the static build of the SPA, will be located at dist/scs-statuspage/browser/assets.

Configuration File

The following table explains all settings available in the configuration file. Explanations for non-basic field types can be found below the table.

Configuration KeyDescriptionTypeDefault
apiServerUrlThe URL of the API server supplying data.Stringempty
redirectUrlURL you are being redirected to after Dex.Stringempty
dexUrlThe URL of your Dex server.Stringempty
dexIdID your application uses for Dex.Stringempty
noOfDaysNumber of days to display incidents for.Number90
dateFormatThe format to use for dates displayed.Format"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss z"
longDateFormatLong format for dates, including day names.Format"dddd, Do MMMM YYYY, HH:mm:ss z"
severitiesMaps severities to colors to use.Objectsee below
unknownColorColor to use for unknown severity values.Color"lightsteelblue"
aboutTextShort text that appears in the "About" section.Stringempty
maintenancePreviewDaysNumber of days in the future to check for maintenance events.number30
hideManagementPageMakes the old management page inaccessible.Booleantrue
dayDefaultSeveritySeverity value used for days where no incidents occuredNumber1

The severities map contains one entry for each severity level specified in the API server. The default configuration included in the template file looks like this:

Note: The noOfDays field is not recommended to be edited. Unexpected results may occur.

"severities": {
// Maintenance is a special case and uses only the severity value 0
"maintenance": {
"start": 0,
"end": 0,
"color": "#50c3a5",
"colorblind": "#e1be6a"
"operational": {
// Start value is explicit
"start": 1,
// End value
"end": 33,
// Normal mode color
// Colors can be specified as in CSS
"color": "#50c3a5",
// Color to use for colorblind mode
"colorblind": "#8ce05d"
"limited": {
"start": 34,
"end": 66,
"color": "#f5c451",
"colorblind": "#5d3a9b"
"broken": {
"start": 67,
"end": 100,
"color": "#ee6a5f",
"colorblind": "#d62c13"

Field Types

  • Format: A format string using the format specifiers provided by Day.js, including the ones provided by the AdvancedFormat plugin.
  • Color: A string containing a color value, specified using CSS notation. Allows for color names, hex values using a leading # or the rgb(...) syntax.