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kind - Local development environment

kind is a tool to quickly setup a local development environment, to test and debug the deployment.

NOTE: kind is not considered to be used as any kind of productive deployment.


All "secrets" shared in kubernetes/environments/kind are example values to get a local environment up and running. These values should be substituted by real and secure secrets.

Per Installation Steps

  • Install kind from the official website.
  • Clone the status-page-deployment repository
    git clone
  • Create a Github OAuth app for testing, see example data: (Note: It is not critical to share the data listed here, as this is only a test application which is reachable from localhost)


Create a local kind cluster with:

make cluster


All needed configurations and secrets, except Dex's GitHub app secrets, are set up in a ready to use kustomization: kubernetes/environments/kind/kustomization.yaml, just assemble and deploy:

  • Create Github application
  • Create and configure OAUTH config files
    cp kubernetes/environments/kind/dex/dex-secrets-example.env kubernetes/environments/kind/dex/secrets.env
    vim kubernetes/environments/kind/dex/dex.env # configure GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
    vim kubernetes/environments/kind/dex/secrets.env # configure GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET
  • Deploy Application
    make deploy

For further configuration see

Port forward

The local kind deployment uses Caddy as reverse proxy, instead of Ingress and IngressControllers, to the cluster services. Port forward to the reverse proxy to start using the deployment locally.

For example:

make forward