Zuul monitoring
This page contains instructions on how to enable the Zuul monitoring in the Observer solution.
Zuul comes with support for the statsd protocol, hence the graphite instance is needed when we want directly consume Zuul metrics.
Graphite deployment:
helm add repo kiwigrid https://kiwigrid.github.io
helm upgrade --install graphite kiwigrid/graphite -f zuul/values-zuul.yaml
A UDP load balancer that exposes the Graphite receiver service:
kubectl apply -f zuul/udp-lb-service.yaml
Zuul dashboards:
kubectl apply -f zuul/zuul-status-dashboard.yaml
kubectl apply -f zuul/zuul-nodepool-dashboard.yaml
kubectl create -f zuul/zuul-zookeeper-dashboard.yaml
Find and uncomment a related section in values-observer.yaml
if you want to link the above
dashboards to the L1 Zuul host dashboard.
The sections related to Zuul in the values-observer-scs.yaml
values file are already uncommented.