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This page contains a guide on how to enable traces in Thanos. Traces are not enabled by default.

Thanos supports different tracing backends that implements opentracing.Tracer interface. All clients could be configured by --tracing.config-file parameter to reference to the configuration file or by --tracing.config parameter to put yaml config directly. Recommended way is to pass configuration directly as it gives an explicit static view of configuration for each component, and it also saves you the fuss of creating and managing additional files.


Here is the example of the configuration how to enable jaeger in Thanos. This configuration can be applied for multiple components e.g. query-frontend, query or thanos-sidecar.

- |-
"sampler_param": 2
"sampler_type": "ratelimiting"
"service_name": "thanos-query-frontend"
"agent_host": "jaeger-agent.<namespace>.svc"
"agent_port": 5775
"type": "JAEGER"


Once tracing is enabled, Thanos will generate traces for all gRPC and HTTP APIs thanks to generic “middlewares”. Some more interesting to observe APIs like query or query_range have more low-level spans with focused metadata showing latency for important functionalities. For example, Jaeger view of query_range HTTP API call might look as follows: Jaeger-example