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SCS deployment

The following steps were utilized to deploy the SCS reference installation of the Observer monitoring solution, which is available at


Currently, the detailed architecture diagram can be visualized as follows:


The SCS Observer includes the Loki deployment along with the Promtail agent on each Observer node. This setup ensures that the SCS Observer platform collects logs from itself and can also serve as a global, horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system.


  • Kubernetes cluster
    • We used the R5 version of SCS KaaS V1, which includes an ingress controller and cert manager
      export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/kubeconfig
  • kubectl
  • helm

Install Observer solution

  • Apply SCS brand secrets and letsencrypt issuer manifest.

    kubectl apply -f scs/logo.yaml
    kubectl apply -f scs/brand.yaml
    kubectl apply -f scs/issuer.yaml
  • Deploy the Zuul monitoring related Helm chart and all associated manifests according to the instructions provided on this documentation page.

  • Deploy the Alertmanager to Matrix chat notifications related manifest according to the instructions provided on this documentation page.

  • Deploy the OAUTH related manifest according to the instructions provided on this documentation page.

  • Review the values-observer-scs.yaml file and locate all instances of the placeholder text "replace-me". These values relate to configuring access to the object stores (for Thanos and Loki), the Grafana admin password and Loki API basic auth username and password.

  • Finally, install the monitoring stack using values that incorporate all the configurations mentioned above

helm repo add dnationcloud
helm repo update dnationcloud
helm upgrade --install dnation-kubernetes-monitoring-stack dnationcloud/dnation-kubernetes-monitoring-stack -f values-observer-scs.yaml