These page covers the process of deploying the Observer monitoring solution into the Kubernetes cluster.
The configuration options used in this tutorial result in a non-productive and simple deployment of the Observer monitoring solution. The steps do not guide users to register certain observer targets, such as existing Kubernetes clusters or virtual machines. Additionally, the tutorial lacks guidance for deploying optional and experimental components like IaaS and KaaS monitoring.
At the end of this tutorial, the reader should end up with a Kubernetes cluster where the Observer solution will be installed and will monitor the Kubernetes cluster hosting it.
Prepare Kubernetes cluster
The Observer monitoring solution is designed to operate on Kubernetes clusters. We have continuously tested it with various Kubernetes distributions, including vanilla Kubernetes, OKD, SCS KaaS V1, and SCS KaaS V2.
To set up the SCS KaaS V2 Kubernetes cluster, please refer to the quickstart guide.
For local testing purposes, we recommend using KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) as follows:
kind create cluster --config kind-observer-config.yaml --image kindest/node:v1.27.3 --name observer
If you opt not to use KinD with the custom config we provided here, and prefer utilizing another Kubernetes cluster, ensure that the metric endpoints for various control plane components are properly exposed. Refer to the docs.
Deploy Observer monitoring solution
helm repo add dnationcloud https://dnationcloud.github.io/helm-hub/
helm repo update dnationcloud
helm upgrade --install dnation-kubernetes-monitoring-stack dnationcloud/dnation-kubernetes-monitoring-stack -f values-observer.yaml
Access the Observer monitoring UIs
At this point, you should have the ability to access the Grafana, Alertmanager and Thanos UIs within the Observer monitoring cluster.
Grafana UI
Use the following credentials:
- username:
- password:
- username:
Visit the Layer 0 dashboard,
, and drill down to explore cluster metrics
Alertmanager UI
Thanos UI