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Ansible Style Guide

We use nearly all default rules of ansible lint. A listing of all these rules can be found in the Ansible Lint documentation: Please always use the ansible linting to check if the code complies with the default linting rules. However, since in most cases we always use the latest version of packages and Ansible lint does not provide this, we decided to disable the package_latest rule.

Task naming

  • Tasks must always have names. The only exception allowed is for forked playbooks.
  • A name never starts with a small letter
  • Names are written in present tense
  • No punctuation is used in names

Key Order

To check the key order we use our own rule. This can be found here.

Positioning and use of the become directive

The become directive is only set when needed and is always set explicitly for each task that needs it.

Blocks, roles or playbooks are never executed in a privileged mode.

We always insert the become directive between the name of a task and the task itself. This also applies to related directives like become_user or become_flags. This is for better visibility if a task is privileged or not.

- name: Copy hddtemp configuration file
become: true
src: "{{ ansible_os_family }}/hddtemp"
dest: "{{ hddtemp_conf_file }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: Restart hddtemp service

Position of the when condition

If you need to use the when condition please add this at the end-section from the task where it is needed. This makes the code easier to understand for others. Ansible lint provides the when condition under the task name for blocks. To keep the code clear we decided against it. Please disable this with a noqa if necessary. For example:

- name: "Archive existing {{ resolvconf_file }} file"
become: true
src: "/etc/resolv.conf"
dest: "/etc/resolv.conf.{{ }}"
archive: true
delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
when: stat_resolvconf_file.stat.islnk is defined and not stat_resolvconf_file.stat.islnk

Usage of collections

Collections are always defined as in the following example.

netbox.netbox is here the collection that is used.

- name: Configure netbox manufacturers
netbox_url: '{{ netbox_url }}'
netbox_token: '{{ netbox_token }}'
name: '{{ }}'
slug: '{{ item.value.slug }}'
description: "{{ item.value.description | default('') }}"
state: present
with_dict: '{{ netbox_data_manufacturers }}'

Please don´t declare it in this way!:

- netbox.netbox

- name: Manage Discworld site
netbox_url: "{{ netbox_url }}"
netbox_token: "{{ netbox_token }}"
validate_certs: false
name: Discworld
slug: discworld
state: present

If you have to use collections please define them in a requirements.yml.

Example yaml:

- name: geerlingguy.certbot
version: master
type: git
src: git+
- name: ansible.netcommon

- name:
type: git
version: main

Usage of roles from other collections

If you want to reuse roles please do it in the following way:

First you have to declare the role or collection in the requirements.yml like shown in the example before.

Than you can use it in playbooks like this

- role:

Parameters that offer lists

Parameters that provide a list are always defined as in the following example.

docker_hosts_defaults sets the defaults in the role. Overriding is only possible with the ansible-defaults repository.

In the configuration repository, docker_hosts_extra is then used to add additional items to the list.

docker_hosts itself is never modified from the outside.

- 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock'
docker_hosts_extra: []
docker_hosts: '{{ docker_hosts_defaults + docker_hosts_extra }}'

Usage of changed_when

Please think twice before turning off changed_when. It's a fairly simple yet safety-relevant linting rule and is quite easy to implement.

Disable linting rules

In principle, it is only allowed to disable rules if there is really no other possibility. Please do not disable rules in general but only in individual cases via Noqa. Please use in this case the full rulename and not the numbers, because them are depricated. If it makes sense to ignore a rule, please open up an issue in the repository with a label discussion.